Saturday, December 15, 2012

one possible explanation

I'm really not that far out there.  I don't read my horoscope, don't know my Ayurvedic body type, don't plan my days or life by numbers or my Myers Briggs type.  But. I like to consider more marginal explanations for little things. I am interested in that.  For instance, knowing that I was born on the Cancer-Leo cusp -- with both some fire and water things going on -- may account for a nearly unconscious affinity I seem to have for everything in the magenta-purple range.  (I guess I have a closet full of evidence, but I'm told you need only see me walking about.)  Likewise, I don't dwell much on being an ISFP personality type but I have made a small note of occasional tendencies toward acting on irrational impulses, as well a propensity for speaking out in what some times seem to be almost Tourette's-like non sequiturs.

It recently occurred to me to look up the moon phase I was born under -- and of course there's a whole philosophy to go with that.  While researching, I was a little discouraged (if not surprised) to learn that I was born on a new moon and accordingly, that this is my first incarnation.  I'm a beginner.  My first trip.  I've still got a lot to learn.  

Despite tendencies toward the irrational, I can be quite good at "rationalizing," so upon reconsideration, I'm liking my novice status more and more. For one, it conveniently confirms at least a few things, like my fondness for the phrase, "Well, this is my first day," or alternately, "Every day is like the first day." And then there are the things along the way that repeatedly fascinate me.  Things that rivet my attention in the same way that my infant son was once fascinated by the quivering shadows of leaves on a blanket.  Pure enthrallment. These things grab me just like love and make me pray there will never be enough.  So please forgive me if you've seen it before it seems that it's just my first time around.  

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