Monday, October 22, 2012

cowboy poetry

It is not unusual, in the course of my everyday, to spend some time talking about food. In that regard, today was not exceptional, except that for some reason the conversation worked its way around to cows and then the question was posed, "Can you imagine what it would be like if there were no cows?"  My response was immediate and out of my mouth before I had a chance to realize that it really didn't have much to do with food, "If there were no cows, then there would be no cowboys."

I was already in that kind of mood -- cowboys on the brain and stuff.  Apparently it wasn't a coincidence that I had given Lyle some airtime this morning as I drove through the narrow streets of my mid western town.  And while I am happy to be anywhere, just happy to be, maybe it is because I am perfectly capable of comprehending that in a parallel universe I'm out on open roads, threading my way through sand and sage beneath enormous skies.  

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